The school has two classes in Years 3 & 4, and three classes in Years 5 & 6.
Each year group team has a year leader, class teachers and teaching support staff. The classes are managed by the class teacher with support from the teaching support staff. Occasionally within a class there may be a child who has been assessed as having particular learning or physical needs, who will have an additional teaching support assistant allocated to them.
Admissions Criteria
All admissions to Deansbrook Junior School are handled by the London Borough of Barnet and all applications should be made via the local authority's admissions portal. Children are admitted to the Junior School in the September following their 7th birthday and at any time until the July after their 11th birthday. Where applications exceed the number of places available, children will be offered a place according to the following criteria:
- Looked after and previously looked after children.
- Having an Educational Health Care Plan, where the school is named on the Plan, as long as the school is able to meet the pupil's needs.
- Transferring from Deansbrook Infant School.
- Having an exceptional medical, social or other need which the school is particularly able to meet.
- Children who live in the school's catchment area and are without a school place because they have moved.
- Having a brother or sister, living at the same address, who attends the Infant or Junior School.
- Living within the school's catchment area.
- Proximity of the child's home to the school, with those living nearer to the school being given higher priority.
Parents can find out more about admission arrangements through the Barnet Schools Admission Website: