Welcome Procedure

Our school works hard to ensure that all the new children and their families that join us are provided with a supportive admissions and induction programme.

On a child's first day, a member of our staff will welcome both them and their parents into our school.

Within the first two weeks of a child joining us, staff will have assessed their learning needs including, where appropriate, the child's proficiency in English.


A team of staff provide dedicated support to EAL pupils within classrooms as well as organising bespoke learning programmes. Intervention may include:

  • Access to the school's New to English Curriculum;
  • Involvement in language development groups;
  • Access to an extensive range of EAL resources within the school, including bilingual books and a translation service.

Celebrating Cultural Diversity

We see it as our duty to actively seek to accept value and celebrate pupils’ cultural differences through, for example, our visual displays, our range of resources and by actively welcoming visitors from a range of faiths and cultures.